This video features all 4 band members who are young, male metal heads. The video uses semiotics in a variety of ways to present the viewpoints from both them and the outside figure (shown as the 'father') towards each other and the music:

The youth character is presented as being rebellious and fun loving through his costume (typical metal attire, denim and leather) and non-verbal language (sneaking past his parent to disobey him and let his friends in to jam together)
The older character is presented as being the authority figure, loving quiet activities and not understanding metal / youth culture (effectively juxtaposing the band members). This is shown through his costume (generic casual outfit for an older individual, jumper, trousers, etc.) and verbal language ("Turn off that noise and shut up...")
The representation in this video is not limited to the individuals as the music itself is also presented through a variety of semiotic techniques:

The music is represented as being loud and heavy through the use of props such as a shaking glass of water on a table and the use of non-verbal language with the 'father' having fallen over.
It is also represented as being 'underground' as the performance location is in a basement and the set is typical of most aspiring metal musicians and fans alike to confirm their inclusion in that community and increase the enjoyment of a fan in the same community who will seem closer to the band.
Joe this is a proficient analysis with good application of media terms and some consideration of micro detail. Key terminology related to semiotics is largely absent and would improve this.
ReplyDeleteThis is a well laid out post Joe, try to use the word 'signifers' and then 'connotation' in this analysis