Monday, 29 September 2014

JP: Technical Analysis of the Performance Sequence of a Music Video

The Smashing Pumpkins - 'Tonight, Tonight'

LS on orchestra
0:05 - 0:15 (10 seconds)
Costumes are Victorian, character blocking used to place narrative over the performance (hand kiss)
Static, places performance on far end thirds with narrative in centre
Slight time compression and tint to add stylistic element
CU on snare drum
0:15 - 0:16 (1 second)
Non-verbal language of performance fit to music, instruments fitting to fantasy, steampunk, gothic setting
Focus on the performance, cannot see the performer’s face
Fast cutting rate between this shot and adjacent
MS on string section
0:16 - 0:19 (3 seconds)
Focus on the performance, framed centre and static
Same as LS on orchestra
LS on orchestra
0:22 - 0:23 (1 second)
Same as LS on orchestra
Same as LS on orchestra
Same as LS on orchestra
MS on string section
0:25 - 0:26 (1 second)
Same as MS on string section
Same as MS on string section
Same as MS on string section
LS on orchestra
0:28 - 0:32 (4 seconds)
Same as LS on orchestra
Same as LS on orchestra
Same as LS on orchestra
LS on orchestra
0:34 - 0:36 (2 seconds)
MCU on singer
0:48 - 0:49 (1 second)
Costume is Victorian (keeping with the narrative theme), pale make up applied to accentuate the ‘gothic’ theme, green screen used to create mystic setting (space), first person mode of address grips the audience / viewer
Frames singer in centre third drawing focus to him, the close shot type and eye-line angle creates intimacy with the audience (present)
Two shots cut together to create the appearance of the singer being translucent and ethereal (absent; a presence within the narrative)
LS on band
0:49 - 0:52 (3 seconds)
Slight low angle presents the band as omnipotent figures in the video
“ (‘singer’ now becoming the band)
MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
1:09 - 1:12 (3 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer
MS on drummer in foreground with singer in background
1:14 - 1:15 (1 second)
Same as LS on band
MCU on singer
1:20 - 1:23 (3 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
MS on singer in foreground with band in background
1:27 - 1:29 (2 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
Same as MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
Same as MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
MCU on singer in foreground with guitarist in background
1:29 - 1:30 (1 second)
LS on band
1:33 - 1:36 (3 seconds)
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
MS on bassist in foreground with band and narrative characters in background
1:40 - 1:44 (4 seconds)
“ (plus character blocking places the band in the foreground and more important than the narrative)
Framed with bassist taking up the two rightmost thirds and the narrative characters falling down through the leftmost third
MLS on guitarist in foreground with band in background
1:44 - 1:45 (1 second)
Same as LS on band
CU on singer
1:57 - 1:58 (1 second)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
LS on band with drummer in foreground and band in background
2:12 - 2:15 (3 seconds)
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
MCU on singer
2:15 - 2:17 (2 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
LS on drummer in foreground and band in background
2:23 - 2:24 (1 second)
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
MS on bassist in foreground and band in background
2:24 - 2:27 (3 seconds)
MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
2:27 - 2:29 (2 seconds)
MLS on guitarist in foreground and bassist in background
2:36 - 2:38 (2 seconds)
MCU on singer
2:42 - 2:44 (2 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
MLS on band
2:55 - 2:56 (1 second)
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
LS on band
3:04 - 3:09 (5 seconds)
“ (plus non-verbal language of the singer opening his arms to the sky as narrative characters fly over presents the band as being in control and omnipotent)
LS on band
3:12 - 3:13 (1 second)
MS on drummer in foreground with band in background
3:16 - 3:17 (1 second)
LS on band
3:25 - 3:27 (2 seconds)
MS on drummer in foreground with singer in background
3:30 - 3:31 (1 second)
MCU on singer in foreground with band in background
3:44 - 3:46 (2 seconds)
LS on band
3:49 - 3:51 (2 seconds)
CU on singer
3:55 - 3:57 (2 seconds)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
MCU on singer in foreground with guitarist in background
4:00 - 4:02 (2 seconds)
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
Same as LS on band
CU on singer
4:07 - 4:08 (1 second)
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer
Same as MCU on singer (however he fades away as the song ends connoting his star image as being solely linked to his music)